To help you with your year-end giving decisions CharityWatch has put together this list of some of our lowest-rated charities. Ratings are based on how efficiently each charity raises donations...
In honor of Juneteenth why not consider a donation to a CharityWatch Top-Rated charity.
CharityWatch wishes those who celebrate the holiday a festive Vaisakhi Day!
Happy Lunar New Year from CharityWatch!
February is Black History Month.
On Monday, January 15, 2024, we celebrate the life and work of civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In honor of this holiday, those who wish to donate...
CharityWatch wishes you and yours a very happy Kwanzaa!
Giving Tuesday is November 28, 2023. View Top-Rated charities and learn how to avoid charity frauds and scams.
CharityWatch has assigned American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) a rating of "Not Ratable" at this time based on the charity's fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 IRS Form 990 financial reporting.
In honor of Juneteenth, why not consider a donation to a CharityWatch Top-Rated charity.
In honor and celebration of Father’s Day, why not consider a donation to a CharityWatch Top-Rated charity.
In honor and celebration of the special mother in your life, consider a donation to a CharityWatch Top-Rated charity.