Top-Rated Civil Rights & Social Justice Charities to Support This Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan 20, 2025
In honor of this Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, consider making a donation to a CharityWatch Top-Rated Civil Rights & Social Justice charity.
Organizations on CharityWatch’s Top-Rated list have met our benchmarks for governance and transparency and have achieved high ratings for how efficiently they raise and spend public donations.
CharityWatch’s degreed accountants analyze a nonprofit’s consolidated or single audited financial statements, as well as the tax filings of the legal entities included in those statements. We then make adjustments for information that is inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, and incomparable to compute ratios reflecting what portion of a nonprofit’s total expenses go to programs versus overhead, and how much it costs it to raise each $100 of cash support.
CharityWatch’s ratings are not based on simplistic automation using numbers pulled from charities’ unaudited tax filings, nor are they crowdsourced directly from a charity’s “impact” reports or other marketing data. As the only independent charity watchdog in the United States, CharityWatch’s ratings are the result of in-depth evaluations performed by qualified analysts and are not biased in favor of what charities report about themselves.
The organizations on this list have achieved ratings of B+ or higher on CharityWatch’s “A+” to “F” rating scale for spending 75% or more of their cash budgets on programs and for keeping fundraising expenses down to $25 or less to raise each $100 of cash support from non-governmental sources.