This Vesak Day Donate to a Top-Rated Charity
The Day of
Vesak honors the day in the year 623 B.C. that the Buddha was born. The
teachings of the Buddha are followed by millions around the world. This year Vesak Day is celebrated on May 23rd.
Below are 3 examples of CharityWatch Top-Rated
charities. Be sure and check out our full list of Top-Rated charities
for other charities that you may want to donate to this year.
Examples include:
AFS-USA works
toward a more just and peaceful world by providing international and
intercultural learning experiences to individuals, families, schools, and
communities through a global volunteer partnership.
Farming Association works for animal and consumer protection.
Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) carries out programs to prevent
sexual violence, help victims, & ensure that perpetrators are brought to
justice; operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline & the Department of
Defense Safe Helpline.
Attention: The charities listed in this
alert were Top-Rated by CharityWatch at the time of its publication.
CharityWatch updates our ratings throughout the year. To see if a particular
charity is currently Top-Rated, please click on its name, below.