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September is Hunger Action Month

    Sep 18, 2022

September is Hunger Action month. According to the USDA, more than 34 million people in the United States, including 9 million children, are food insecure.  The pandemic greatly increased food insecurity among many Americans. Many households that face food insecurity do not qualify for federal programs and rely on local food banks and other organizations for additional food support.  During September and throughout the year, please use CharityWatch’s list of Top-Rated Hunger & Food Policy charities as a resource to help you give wisely as you support this important cause.

ATTENTION: The charities listed below are Top-Rated by CharityWatch for spending at least 75% of their cash budgets on programs; for maintaining fundraising efficiency of $25 or less to raise each $100 in cash donations; and for meeting CharityWatch’s governance & transparency benchmarksThe charities listed in this alert were Top-Rated by CharityWatch at the time of its publication. CharityWatch updates our ratings throughout the year. To see if a particular charity is currently Top-Rated, please click on its name, below.

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