Why Is Save The Children Top-Rated?
CharityWatch analyzed the consolidated audited financial statements and IRS tax Form 990 for Save The Children (Tax ID#06-0726487) for the fiscal year-ended 12/31/2020, the most current available. As part of our analysis, we segregated its cash from non-cash (in-kind) revenue and expenses, identifying approximately $72 million in contributions of in-kind goods and $70.6 million of related in-kind expenses, as well as approximately $55 million of donated services and use of facilities. By “following the cash,” CharityWatch is able to report more relevant information to donors about how efficiently a charity will use their cash donations. We also reviewed information in the charity’s consolidated audited financial statements, IRS tax Form 990, and website, to assess Save The Children’s governance and transparency.
Rating: A-
Program %: 84%
Cost to Raise Each $100 of Cash Support: $16
Transparency: Save The Children meets CharityWatch’s benchmarks for Transparency. It posts a copy of its most current consolidated audited financial statements on its website, and has responded to our questions about its fiscal 2020 financial reporting (if any) necessary for CharityWatch to complete a meaningful analysis.
Governance: CharityWatch reviewed the fiscal 2020 IRS Form 990 for Save The Children to see if it reports having certain policies in place (Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower, Document Retention) and a sufficiently independent board of directors. We also reviewed the consolidated audited financial statements of Save The Children to determine if any governance issues were identified by the charity’s auditors that were required to be reported under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). We did not identify any such issues. Save The Children meets CharityWatch’s governance benchmarks for its fiscal year 2020.
See CharityWatch’s complete profile of Save The Children.
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What Is Save The Children Doing to Help Ukrainians?
Save The Children has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, including in the conflict-impacted regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Its support has included access to education, psychosocial support, distributing winter kits and hygiene kits, and providing cash grants to families so they can meet basic needs such as food, rent, and medicines, or so they can invest in starting new businesses. In response to the escalating violence in Ukraine, Save The Children issued an emergency alert and established a Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund, which will be used to help provide children and families with immediate aid such as food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support, and cash assistance.