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onePULSE Foundation Prepares to Dissolve Amid Years of Public Criticism

    Nov 30, 2023

CharityWatch CEO & Executive Director, Laurie Styron, talks to NBC
 in Orlando regarding onePULSE Foundation’s decision to dissolve amid years of
public criticism that it was not accomplishing its promised goals.

“’We’re definitely talking many months or more, certainly not weeks,’ Laurie
Styron said.”

“Styron, the executive director of CharityWatch—an independent charity
watchdog—says foundations have a lot of work to do before they can
officially close their doors.”

“‘They’ll have an obligation
to wind down the corporation within the state of Florida. But on a federal
level, they’ll also need to do a lot of due diligence to make sure that the
remaining assets are distributed to another nonprofit, tax-exempt organization,
or to a local state or federal government to be used for a public purpose,’
Styron said.”

“There’s also going to be a lot of legal and accounting and other management
types of fees, which is unfortunate in situations like this, because you know,
when people donate to organizations, they think that their money is going to
used to fund the direct programs of the organization,’ Styron said.”

“’It’ll be really interesting to see that final tax filing, because everybody’s
really going to want to know, ‘Hey, we all supported this organization over so many
years, and a lot of promises were made and not kept. So, who’s getting the
final assets? Who’s getting the money?’ Styron said.

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