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Move America Forward: Final Judgment Issued

    Sep 5, 2023

CharityWatch has assigned Move America Forward (MAF) a “?” rating at this time due to concerns identified by the Attorney General of the State of California in its Complaint filed against MAF in July of 2019 with the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Sacramento. For more information, please see the related CharityWatch article, “Move America Forward Held Back by Financial & Political Interests of its Directors.” 

A Final Judgment in case #34-2019-00261222 filed with the Superior Court of the State of California County of Sacramento on March 23, 2023 states that the “Defendants shall make payment of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) by check payable to the California Department of Justice…” It further states that “Defendant Salvatore Russo confirms his plan to step down and retire from his position as a director on MAF’s board, and from his positions as MAF’s chief strategist, secretary and treasurer, by January 20, 2023. Further, as to MAF, Defendant Salvatore Russo shall no longer: (1) act as a director, officer, trustee, manager, supervisor, or other fiduciary, or (2) hold, manage, direct, or control funds or assets. Defendant Salvatore Russo shall comply with the foregoing should he volunteer for MAF thereafter, and shall not be compensated by MAF for volunteer work. Defendant Russo, March & Associates, Inc. may continue to provide services to MAF, but not after July 31, 2023, and Defendant Salvatore Russo shall not provide services to MAF through another business.” 

In MAF’s IRS Form 990 tax filing for the fiscal year ended 2021, Salvatore Russo is reported as one of three members of MAF’s board of directors with the title “Secretary / Treasurer” (IRS Form 990, Part VII). The tax filing further reports that “Sal Russo” received $81,000 from MAF in 2021. The description for the transaction states, “Sal Russo is President and Director of RMA.” (IRS Form 990, Schedule L). Fiscal 2021 is the most current year of financial documents (IRS Form 990 and audited financial statements) that CharityWatch has been able to locate in public databases as of September 1, 2023.

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