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Happy Hanukkah: Give Wisely this Holiday Season!

    Dec 4, 2023

Find a
charity to donate to this holiday season.

For those donors interested
in supporting a charity in CharityWatch’s Jewish & Israel category, please see our list of Top-Rated charities in this category, listed below. Our list includes the following featured charities:

Jewish Joint Distribution Center
is dedicated to serving the needs of Jews
throughout the world, particularly where their lives as Jews are threatened or
made more difficult.

League & Foundation
works to protect the Jewish people and to secure
justice and fair treatment for all. To eliminate anti-Semitism and bigotry in
the U.S. and around the world. 

Hadassah works through education, advocacy, and youth development, and its support of medical care, and research at Hadassah Medical Organization, enhances the health & lives of people in Israel, the U.S. & worldwide.

A very happy holiday season to you and yours. Thank you for taking the time to give wisely!

ATTENTION: The charities listed in this alert were Top-Rated
by CharityWatch at the time of its publication. CharityWatch updates our
ratings throughout the year. To see if a particular charity is currently
Top-Rated, please click on its name, below.

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