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Death of George Floyd Sparks Civil Unrest and an Outpouring of Donations

    Jun 2, 2020

(Updated June 19, 2020) 

ATTENTION: The charities listed in this alert were Top-Rated by CharityWatch at the time of its publication. CharityWatch updates our ratings throughout the year. To see if a particular charity is currently Top-Rated, please click on its name, below.

The civil unrest we are experiencing in the United States and around the world catalyzed by the death of George Floyd has escalated an already tense environment as we collectively work to recover from the global COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic fallout.

The country has been host to widespread peaceful protests, but many cities are also experiencing rioting, looting, and varying degrees of violence. Larger cities have put nightly curfews into effect to combat the mayhem. In some instances, the National Guard has been called in to help reinforce local police and first responders.

Tensions across the country remain high, and donors are eager to help. A crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe to help cover funeral, transportation, and other costs for George Floyd’s family has exceeded its original $1.5 million goal many times over. As of the Juneteenth holiday on June 19th, 2020, the campaign has raised over $14.4 million. CharityWatch encourages donors who want to support the advancement and protection of civil rights to consider donating to a CharityWatch Top-Rated African-American, Civil Rights & Advocacy, or Human Rights charity, listed below. Donors who also want to contribute directly to the family of George Floyd via a crowdfunding site should first review CharityWatch’s article on avoiding crowdfunding scams so their generous donation does not end up being siphoned off by a fake fundraising campaign not authorized by the family.

The following CharityWatch Top-Rated charities receive an “A” or “B+” grade based on the portion of their budget going to program services and their fundraising efficiency. Top-Rated charities also must meet CharityWatch’s Governance and Transparency benchmarks.

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